Iron Rod
JoinedTopics Started by Iron Rod
NWT-at it again?
by Iron Rod ini have a question..... this question is open to everyone, but as you will see, input from jwd's resident scholars ( like narkissos and leolaia ) will be essential.. in the account found in 1 samuel chapter 28, we read about sauls infamous visit to the spirit medium of en-dor.
at sauls request she summons the spirit of samuel.. in the notwelltranslated, the name samuel is written in quotation marks like this..."samuel.
" this, of course, gives the reader the impression that this is not really samuel.
how was it for you.....
by Iron Rod ini have a question for everyone regarding your personal experience with the brainwashing techniques of the wt.
(its amazing that i can even say that now.
once was a time i would have bristled at the mere suggestion that the society brainwashes people.
The Universal court case is rigged.........or unwinnable.
by Iron Rod infirst let me say that i'm at a point in my life where i don't even buy the idea that the bible is gods word.
this is just a thought exercise.
second, since there are so many smart folks on this board, this has possibly already been discussed.
In this corner....Leolaia
by Iron Rod infirst off, let me apologize in advance if this subject has been discussed before.
i have been reading this board for 6-8 months now and though i try to keep up with the posts (as well as catching up on past ones ) there is just so much info on here that i might have missed it.
anyway, on a previous post i mentioned that there are some really sharp people on this forum; people whose bible knowledge greatly exceeds that of anyone in brooklyn.